Lori Schafer – Author Feature

Lori Schafer ImageExperiencing great success with her story “On Hearing of My Mother’s Death Six years After It Happened“, Lori Schafer is an author you want to get to know. She has also authored “Stories From My Memory Shelf“, which I will be picking up in short order.

On Hearing of my Mother's Death Cover Image

I wrote a review of “On Hearing of My Mother’s death Six Years After It Happened” on November 19th, and you can find it here: https://booksandopinions.com/2014/11/19/on-hearing-of-my-mothers-death-six-years-after-it-happened-lori-schafer/ 

I was fortunate enough to get to read this story before it was released to the public, and I cannot recommend this book enough. It is a wonderful read, and if you have ever had to deal with, live with, or witness the devastating effects that mental illness has not only on an individual, but on their family as well, you need to read this story!

Lori is a writer of serious prose and humorous erotica. You can visit and follow her blog here: http://lorilschafer.blogspot.com/

3 thoughts on “Lori Schafer – Author Feature

  1. jan December 5, 2014 / 12:59 pm

    I haven’t had a chance to read Lori’s book yet but it’s definitely on my list. Her blog is really great – I enjoy it very much! Best of luck Lori!!! Great review!

    • lorilschafer December 5, 2014 / 2:27 pm

      Thank you, Jan! I’m very pleased 🙂

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