Friday Feature – Author Andrea Hintz!

Andrea Hintz Profile Picture

Andrea Hintz has loved writing her whole life. She began college at the age of thirteen and graduated at seventeen with a Bachelor’s in Public Management and Administration. Having endless stacks of books, she has a particular interest in fiction genres that contain lots of adventure and take her to other places of the world. She has written many books, including the books in The Tesoro Series. Andrea also plays the guitar, sings, and has written notebooks and notebooks full of songs and book ideas. Her favorite books were very special to her growing up, and she believes that if at least one reader feels that way about her work, she will have successfully done her job as an author.

Tesoro Book 1 Cover Image

You can find Tesoro I: Secrets of the Hidden Treasure Book on Amazon here:

Tesoro II: Secrets of a Captain’s Journal was released on November 2, 2014. Now is the perfect time to grab both books at once!

Be sure to visit Andrea’s Website, found here: