Why You Have To Finish Your Book!

Dawn of Desire – Joyce Verette

Say it isn’t so! I am posting a review of a “romantic-possibly-sex-laden-book” that is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Dawn of Desire book cover image

So there is a back story to this book. By the time I was 12, I was reading at least one book a day, and when I made my weekly visit to my Grandma’s, I found this book. It was obvious that she hadn’t been reading it, so I “borrowed” it. And when you are 12 years old, anything and everything are possible. But even more than that, this story is GOOD. An arranged marriage, hoping for the best, and expecting the worst, murder, treason, and suspense. Two different nations, trying to unite to avoid a war.

Princess Nefrytaten and Prince Ameni are trying to save Egypt, and build it to what it should be. This story is seriously so good, that there is even more to how I lost the copy I “borrowed”, and found it again.

When I first read this book, I read it again as soon as I finished it. It was always in my bookcase. I always had it near me, until I had to move and all of my books got packed up.

I knew they were safe with my parents, until my Dad called to tell me the basement flooded or some other tragedy, and he threw all of my wet books out.

“WHAT?” You threw my books out? Who throws away books; wet or not? I knew this book was lost to me, and as much as I loved it, I could not remember the author.

I literally searched online for this book every single year until I finally found it on Amazon a couple years ago. I bought it, and the 2 following books in the series.

Is there a moral to the story?

Yes, there is.

Never doubt your writing ability. Write your book, and fight to get it published. Because that book is going to change a reader’s life forever.

I promise!

That One Story You Cannot Let Go

and it took me forever to find it, and thank you Amazon.

Dawn of Desire

My poor Granny has no idea what she did when I “stole” her book from her when I was 11 years old. Yes; over 30 years ago. It was “Dawn of Desire”. By Joyce Verrette. And I read this story over-and-over again. Only to lose it in a basement flood of all things.

And I forgot about it. Yet; I didn’t.

It was the best story I had ever read for my young age.

And still, at 42+ years old, it is one of the stories I will continue to read, over-and-over again.

And after literally checking the internet for years looking for this book; I found it! As well as the 2 following books that were part of this series.

I do not know what happened to Joyce Verrette; but I do know I got these books back in my hands. So Thank You!