Your Thanksgiving Themed Book!

The cozy-mystery paperback I’ve included in my Autumn book box is “The Turkey Day Murder” by Leslie Meier.

Turkey Day Murder Cover Image

This is book #7 in the Lucy Stone mysteries, but is also a stand-alone book. So never fear, if you haven’t read any of the other books in this series, you will not be lost or confused! I have read several of the books in this series, and none of them in order πŸ™‚ Each was a great read, and I was not questioning what I may have missed from a previous book that seems tied to the one I was reading.

This is just one of several fantastic items included! Everything is wrapped and packaged for a gift recipient, or you can indulge in this book box for yourself as we all get prepared for the upcoming Holiday Seasons!

You can order your Autumn Book Box here:Β Autumn Book Box


My Either – Or Book List!

Let’s have some fun!Β I am curious to see how many agree with some of my choices, and how many disagree (vehemently, I am sure!). When books are important to a person, they take everything about them very, very seriously πŸ™‚ If I had to decide between the options below, and whatever one I do not choose would not exist; what would I pick?

1) Paper or Digital?


2) Romance or Sci-Fi?


3) History or Current Events?


4) Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes

5) Twilight or Hunger Games?


6) Jane Eyre or Anna Karenina?

Jane Eyre

7) Harry Potter or Narnia?


8) History or Biography?


9) Stand Alone story or Series?


10) Dante or Tolstoy?


11) Sauron or Jadis the White Witch?


12) The Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew?

The Hardy Boys

In all fairness, I could have come up with about 100 of these questions. I figured I would start with this, and I cannot wait to see what your thoughts are! Let’s all play nice, as we really do not have to choose one or the other; Thank Goodness!!

When I am Not Reading or Editing…

…or raising girls, or working, or homeschooling, or making bookish gifts for my Etsy store, or trying to squeeze in time with my amazing boyfriend, or going to college… I take pictures! I love nothing more than getting in my car before the sun rises, and getting pictures. I love nature, flowers, plants, wildlife, and macro pictures are my favorite!

But Autumn in West Michigan is definitely my favorite time of year!

Various Short Stories – Christian Bergman

I had the pleasure of reading some short stories written by Christian Bergman, and they were great fun! You have some sci-fi going on, and get a Twilight Zone feel with some of these stories. The first story, “Curiosity” gives you a behind-the-scenes look at a team watching a planet rover, still checking and manning it daily even though a newer rover seems to be getting all of the attention, funding, and support. You follow along with them as they try to determine what they could have seen when a glint of light is reflected in one of the images.

I was anxious as I read through this first story to see exactly what they may have discovered. Sorry friends, but as is my norm, there will be no spoilers here! You will have to read it to find out for yourself what exactly they may have seen.

There were other short stories that put a new twist on what things could be like for us here on Earth in the future. Or is it Earth?

Be sure to check out Christian’s short stories here:

You will be glad you did!