Let’s Change It Up; One More Time…

…so I was kindly contacted by WordPress (no sarcasm here; I was glad they called me), letting me know my Business plan I paid for last year was about to expire ($299.00). Did I want to renew? Um; no; I didn’t. Through no fault of their own, I had some issues getting my store part of the business page working correctly, and I was not seeing the benefits I expected.

Some mistakes were on my side, and the person I talked to was kind enough to at least credit me to get some new things going forward on my plan so I did not lose all of that money.

So a few lessons here; my page is changing…again. I am trying to remove my store from my WordPress page, because I am literally not getting emails when someone contacts me, or buys something from me.

And Thank You to my customers who have been more than forgiving through this.

The Business account should expire shortly, and I am working on an Etsy store for any editing needs as well as merchandise all about books, for both writers and readers alike. Until then; you are going to see a Books & Opinions page still hanging out here that I cannot connect with.

And how is your Monday going?


My Missing Book Review – A Crying Shame by William W. Johnstone

Leave it to me to completely leave out the actual book review from the last post I did about William W. Johnstone. So; my apologies, and here it is!

A Crying Shame Cover Image

Sheriff Mike Saucier has his hands full when the Links stop keeping themselves hidden, and start taking revenge on the townspeople. They seem to have been infected with some sickness, and these half-human beings are going mad and no longer concerned about staying hidden.

Jon Badon is a mercenary brought to Fountain Parish, home to the Crying Swamp, by Paul Breaux. Paul had discovered what he since named the Links, as in “the missing link”. Part human, part animal, the Links had been around for hundreds of years.

As a genetic mutation took hold, they could no longer have female children, so in order for them to not die off, women of the parish were kidnapped and used for childbearing. Any babies that were human enough were left on doorsteps in town, to be raised with, and by, humans.

Jon Badon is determined to do what he was paid to do; get rid of the links. His Scientist and Doctor friends disagree. As Jon grows closer to Linda Breaux, he promises both of them that after this last mission, he will retire, and they will get married and start a family.

Can humans and half-humans really exist together? It may not always be necessary to fear something just because it is different than you.

I would love to tell you how it ends, but you know my policy; no spoilers if I can help it. This is a quick read, and a great story! I hope you give it a try!

Mr. William W. Johnstone are you done turning in your grave?

I was so excited to see that my favorite author, who I had written to and had much communication, was having his family re-release all of his books.

I have all of these books, somewhere, but have rebought many on my Nook.

And whomever edited for ebook release needs to be shot.

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William W. Johnstone

I started reading Sweet Dreams, a book he wrote in the 80’s, and sent me an autographed copy of, and the spelling errors are horrible. I fear that the family is so intent on making money, that they are not paying attention to the quality of his work.

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I was a 13 year old girl who read his books, and literally wrote him a letter. I received many letters back, and autographed books. But the fact that they would re-publish his work, so fast and haphazardly, is really sad.

He stopped writing the horror books I loved as a teen, and started writing westerns. But he always replied to my letters, and encouraged me to write, and never give up.

Good gracious, I would edit these ebooks for free rather than see the crap they are putting out.

Mr. Johnstone, thank you for being kind to a teenager, and encouraging me.

Meet the Author – Frank Westworth!

FrankW Porlock posterV2 (1)

For further information, you can also visit:

Murder, Mayhem and More: Thrilling Crime and Sci-Fi Fiction


Murder, Mayhem and More on Facebook:


If you are able to make this event, I would love to hear how much you enjoyed it!

I Need a Literature Based Name…

…for my new kitten. Yes; my new kitten. I know this is a blog about books, but as books are my life, and I am getting this new kitten in two weeks, I need his name to be amazing.

I have a 2 year old Hairless Sphynx, Beeblebrox Bare Bottom Benjamin Blu. Beeblebrox is my breeders name that is on all of her kittens, and I get a total of 35 letters and spaces, including her breeder name. I got Benny maxed out at 35. His official name is ridiculous, but he is just Benny to me 🙂 Bare Bottom for the lack of hair, and Blu because of those amazing eyes.

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So, I am getting another Hairless Sphynx, and this one is a ginger. And here he is…

Ginger Boy!

So I immediately thought Rip Van Wrinkled, and call him Ripper. Or Bilbo Baggyskins. You see the trend here? My girls have been calling him Cheddar since they saw this picture.

I love Sherlock Holmes. Dr. John Want-Some Fur, and call him Watson? Mr. Tumnus? I am obsessed with Abraham Lincoln, but neither is an option for personal reasons due to the nick-names I know he will get.

No Weasley’s; my girls are mad about that.

Anything? Anyone?

We Were Not All Meant To Be Writers…

…because if it was not for us readers, you would all be working for nothing!

Reading Glasses Image

And that is just my way of saying Thank You to all of the authors who have been so kind to share the stories, the triumphs, the heartbreaks, and the challenges; all with me. Me being someone who wanted nothing more than to read what they had to write.

I look forward to another horrible Winter in West Michigan, with lots of coffee, Earl Grey tea, and great books to keep me comfy!

Write on my friends; write on!